frequent questions
What is a basic bank account?
Access to the credit intermediary activity
List of authorised credit intermediaries
How to protect yourself from online fraud?
Know your rights when making payments in Europe.
Do you know what the gross domestic product is? What about inflation? (only in Portuguese)
Key tips to protect yourself when choosing online or mobile banking services.
The National Plan for Financial Education is a project created in 2011 by the financial supervisors to improve the financial knowledge of the Portuguese population and promote the adoption of appropriate financial attitudes and behaviours.
The Banco de Portugal, the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM) and the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority (ASF) are responsible for the National Plan for Financial Education, which has a broad network of partners including ministries, financial sector associations, consumer associations, business associations, trade unions and universities.
The National Plan for Financial Education adopted the Todos Contam brand, reflecting a comprehensive overview of the projects of all its partners and highlighting the importance of financial literacy reaching the entire population.
The pandemic amplified the vulnerability-inducing conditions for households and businesses, making it even more pressing to promote financial resilience. We also saw an acceleration of digital transformation, with very significant impacts on the growth of digital financial services. At the same time, concerns about the transition to a more sustainable economy have increased.
In this context, and under the motto "Strengthen partnerships, investing in digital", the Plan chose the following strategic dimensions of action for 2021-2025:
To accomplish the priorities established for 2021-2025, the Plan presents a set of lines of action to be implemented over this timeline. These lines entail the establishment of new partnerships and the strengthening of work carried out under existing partnerships.
Key initiatives:
Todos Contam website (in Portuguese only)
Todos Contam e-learning platform (in Portuguese only)
Todos Contam website – Governance model (in Portuguese only)
Todos Contam website – Guiding principles (in Portuguese only)
Publications – National Plan for Financial Education
National Plan for Financial Euducation 2021-2025